Monday, June 14, 2010

A View of Gray Cemetery in Madison, Madison County, Alabama

Here's a recent photo of the Gray Cemetery in Madison, Alabama. This cemetery is jointly named after the family of William Gray (and others). The Betts Spring is nearby. William Gray, whose burial location is unknown (at least to me), was a US Revolutionary War soldier from Virginia. Anyway, I thought that descendants may find this information valuable....


  1. Thank you. YES I am a descendant of William John Wardlow Gray from Perth Scotland

  2. I believe my 4th great grandfather Moses Bailey Revolutionary War Soldier is buried in Gray Cemetery. Someone has taken a picture of a tombstone that is rounded on top leaning to left, and they believe this tombstone to be Moses Bailey.

  3. Another comment. William Frances Sparkman photographed many Revolutionary tombstones back in 1960's. Listed his finds in the Tennessee Valley Journal of 1967.
