Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm working on compiling a brief description/history of Gray Cemetery and possibly Betts Cemetery in Madison, Alabama. I learned today that Gray and Betts are not the same. In fact, several USGS maps mistakenly label Gray Cemetery as Betts Cemetery (both in Madison, Alabama). The cemeteries are near each other, but there isn't much left of Betts. I found this information in two sources: "Cemeteries of Madison County..." by Dorothy Scott Johnson and "Old Small Madison-Area Cemeteries" by Rankin and Keel. My compilation will derive heavily from these two sources.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Here's my "permanent" Flickr link in case you're interested.... I haven't decided if I'll ultimately use Flickr, Picasa Web Albums, or something else.

This a photo of Margaret A. Maxwell's gravestone in Gray Cemetery in Madison, Alabama.

Monday, June 14, 2010

This is a photo of John W. Blackburn's gravestone in Gray Cemetery. I'll likely post an image a day (or few days) until I've shared most/all of my photos from here.

A View of Gray Cemetery in Madison, Madison County, Alabama

Here's a recent photo of the Gray Cemetery in Madison, Alabama. This cemetery is jointly named after the family of William Gray (and others). The Betts Spring is nearby. William Gray, whose burial location is unknown (at least to me), was a US Revolutionary War soldier from Virginia. Anyway, I thought that descendants may find this information valuable....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oops! Forgot to share my Flickr Photostream: